Every year Amnesty International’s ‘Write for Rights’ campaign attempts to galvanise collective action to draw attention and demand justice for a number of human rights abuse cases around the world. Amnesty International asked VICE to help amplify and shine a light on some of the cases featured in the 2021 campaign, the 20th anniversary of ‘Write for Rights’.

We created a hero documentary on the case of the Guatemalan indigenous leader and environmentalist Bernardo Caal Xol who was falsely imprisoned for trying to protect his land. We also created a series of mixed media social formats that brought to life two other cases as well as launch piece to mark the start of the campaign.

The best news… since making these Bernardo has since been released from prison and is back with his family.

Creative Lead: Alex Greenwood
Producers: Claire Nolan, Attie Mass & Aimee Levick
Director: Grant Armour
Writer: Ben Smoke

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Launch Carousel
Sphere NGO Case
Imoleayo Michael Case
Bernardo Caal Xol Documentary